
Bugs Building – AKA Kid’s Jenga

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These bugs building blocks add an extra dimension to the classic jenga game by having multi-colored pieces. The user rolls a die and has to remove the piece matching the color of their roll.

Bugs Building Jenga knock off

The game became a huge hit with our four year old. She’s consistently asked to play it twice a day for the last two weeks. The dice roll can actually make the game harder than regular jenga however, because you may see three of the same color come up in a row. If there aren’t three of the same color easily movable you may be the loser.

The verdict: It gets the job done but the plastic pieces don’t have the weight of the original wooden pieces which makes it slightly harder than real Jenga . I think that kind of defeats the purpose of it being a kid’s version but overall its still fun.

Bugs Building Jenga knock off
Bugs Building Jenga knock off